Looking at my friends on IG... some are like traveling the world... and some are hiding under their beds. Not sure who's right!
A Florida Man Finds Himself Looking Down the Barrel of an AK-47. As We've Been Taught, a Handgun Would be Useless. Oh, Wait --
A Florida Man Finds Himself Looking Down the Barrel of an AK-47. As We’ve Been Taught, a Handgun Would be Useless. Oh, Wait —
Saw this guys rant, had to share:
Happy thanksgiving
For all you social justice warriors who stand in the street screaming climate change then drink from your plastic bottle of water, for all you abo... View MoreSaw this guys rant, had to share:
Happy thanksgiving
For all you social justice warriors who stand in the street screaming climate change then drink from your plastic bottle of water, for all you abortion advocates that made it out of the womb making sure nobody else does. For all you racial equality protestors first off youre white and claim to feel so guilty that you blame other white people for being white. However you wont move into a black or latino neighborhood where you could actually help people instead you live with your parents in that gated community and scream about how much ineqality there is. For all you socialists and communists you grew up in the freeest country on the planet most of the shit you complain about in a socialist or communist country you would be jailed or executed for. Be thankful for that.
Be thankful that you can claim to care so much but take no actual steps to act. The united states of hypocrites.
Climate change fanatics, i bet you have your heat on in the winter and ac on in the summer
Abortion the only reason youre here is because you mom Didnt "exterminate your ass when you were a parasite"
For those that make everything a race issue. YOU are the racist. If you are always see8ng it maybe its you that are prejudice for pre judging everyone always actively looking for the division of color.
Socialists and communists please actually go visit chiba or Venezuela and try doung the crap you get away with here. I think you just need a life experience.
I love you all and i dont care if you dont like me. Ill get over it. Have a happy thanksgiving and hug your mother and thank her tlfor not aborting you.
omg. all the snowflake lawyers talking about impeachment... like you MFers should know better.
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